Yes Dubstep has some great suggestions ! I found after I read Ray Franz books my mind became much more calm and free .
You said ,"ive been conditioned so long to care what other people think about me that to finally step out on my own and not care is nervewrecking!!" .....I remember those feelings so well !
When you begin to realize these people have NO power over you ,unless you give it to them ,you will begin to lessen the anxiety .
For example going out to eat with a co-worker is not bad ! You are only conditioned to think that way . Now you have to re-condition your thought processes . When you begin to feel anxious over something ask yourself ,WHY ? If it has no real basis then let it go .
Here are some stock answers someone told me to use when I was first fading . If a witness sees you at the store and asks " Where have you been ,we miss you " You can answer 'Oh thank you ' It is kind for you to say so " PERIOD ,they don't need to know any more . When they pry for more information say " Oh I am sorry ,it is personal and I could not imagine discussing that with you ." RINSE and REPEAT works !